Oil and gas condensate production, thousand tons for 07.02.2024
Gas production, million cubic meters for 07.02.2024
Oil refining at the refineries of the RK, thousand tons for 07.02.2024
Oil exchange prices for 07.02.2024
WTI Crude Oil
Brent Crude Oil
Daily indicators of NGO RK for
AI-92 - 178.7 tg/l
AI-95 - 21.5 tg/l
AI-98 - 235.8 tg/l
DTL - 240.2 tg/l
DTZ - 475.0 tg/l
AI-92 - 200.1 tg/l
AI-95 - 244.6 tg/l
AI-98 - 280.5 tg/l
DTL - 290.3 tg/l
DTZ - 461.4 tg/l
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